“Groot Innovatie Modellenboek”, 2nd edition, now with 47 models of innovation, Frank Kwakman, Ruud Smeulders, 2017
Project Tags Portfolio
contribution to ‘2015 AND BEYOND”
The article ‘Get Ready for the Future. Now!’ is published in the yearbook of SecondSight: ‘2015 AND BEYOND’. See: http://www.secondsight.nl/products/2015-and-beyond-beyond-beyond
Business in 2020
Interview in ‘Business in 2020’. This book is written and published by Sjoerd Hauptmeijer & Mario van Vliet (May 16, 2013). See: http://www.ondernemenin2020.nl
Masterclass Learning Business Models
Masterclass about constructing new Business Models for eLearning at the eLearning Event 2013 in Den Bosch on April 16, 2013. The Masterclass is given by Marcel de Leeuwe, Hans de Zwart and Ruud Smeulders. See also http://www.e-learningevent.nl